Doctor Details
Education with post-graduation Degree:
MD (Radiation Oncology)
ESMO Qualified (Medical Oncology)
Specialization: Radiation and Medical Oncology
Brief Working Experience:
- AMCGH (Ahsania Mission Cancer and General Hospital): Junior Consultant (October 2022- till Present
- NICRH (National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital): Resident Doctor (March 2017- August 2022)
- NICRH (National Institute of Cancer Research & Hospital): Honorary Medical Officer (July 2015- December 2015)
- Home:
- 2024-05: Advanced Course of Radiotherapy on Genito-urinary Malignancy, Arranged by Oncology Club of Bangladesh and University of Bologna, Italy
- 2024-04: AROI (Association of Radiation Oncologists of India) arranged 46th ICRO PG Teaching Program on Management of Radiation Toxicities (Online)
- 2024-04: Breast Cancer Preceptorship arranged by Oncology Club, Bangladesh
- 2024-02: Preceptorship on Management of Sarcoma: Present & Future Aspects arranged by Bangladesh Society for Breast Cancer Study
- 2023-08: ICRO-AROI Training (online)
- 2022-12: ESMO Asia Virtual Congress
- 2022-04: Virtual PG teaching course on Brachytherapy
- 2021-04: Virtual Workshop on Cervical Cancer by Oncology Club of Bangladesh
- 2020-12: Virtual Colorectal Cancer Preceptorship by Oncology Club of Bangladesh
- 2020-10: Certificate on Research Methodology
- 2017-12: Certificate Course on Diabetology (CCD) Arranged by BIRDEM
- Abroad:
- 2024-12: Gastric Cancer Preceptorship arranged by ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology), at Singapore (with travel and accommodation grant)
- 2024-04: Advanced Course on Peri-operative Strategies in Localized Malignancies in Lung Cancer, Hong Kong organized by ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology) (with travel and accommodation grant)
- 12-2023: ESMO Advanced Course on Diagnostic and Therapeutic Applications of Nuclear Medicine in Oncology from Singapore (with travel and accommodation grant)
- Membership:
- Local:
- BSRO (Bangladesh Society of Radiation Oncology)
- BSBCS (Bangladesh Society for Breast Cancer Study)
- Foreign
- ESMO (European Society for Medical Oncology)
- ESTRO (The European Society for Radiotherapy and Oncology)
- ASCO (American Society of Clinical Oncology)
- Publications
- Local Publication:
- A Case Report on Triple Malignancy: Occurrence of Brain Tumor, Skin and Gastroesophageal Junction Carcinoma, Hossain NT, Arup MH
- Understanding Diagnostic Delays among Newly Diagnosed Breast Cancer Patients at a Tertiary Cancer Care Center in a Low-Middle-Income Country like Bangladesh Ferdause J, Hossain NT, Chowdhury AP, Ahmed N, Karim R, Momtahena SJ
- Early Age Breast Cancer: A Picture in Bangladesh Chowdhury AP, Hossain NT, Ferdause J, Momtahena SJ, Karim R, Ahmed N
- Prevalence of Triple Negative Subtypes among Breast Cancer Patients: An Institutional Study Karim R, Momtahena SJ, Ferdause J, Chowdhury AP, Hossain NT
- Determinants of Triple-Negative Breast Cancer: The Influence of Age and Contraceptive Use in Bangladesh Momtahena SJ, Ahmed N, Karim R, Ferdause J, Chowdhury AP, Hossain NT
- Local Publication:
- International Publications:
- Hossain, N.T., Hussain, Q.M., Riad, A.H., Chowdhury, A.P., Ferdause, J. and Karim, R., 2024. Current practice pattern of postmastectomy hypo fractionated radiotherapy: A revolution in management. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 197, pp.S86-S87.
- Hossain, A., Galietta, E., Uddin, A.K., Zamfir, A.A., Hossain, N.T., Hossain, T., Hussain, Q.M., Morganti, A.G. and Bhuiyan, M.R., 2025. Efficacy and tolerability of single-fraction radiotherapy for spinal bone metastases in a low-middle-income country setting: a prospective study. Supportive Care in Cancer, 33(1), pp.1-7.
- Chowdhury, A.P., Khondakar, M.J., Hossain, N.T., Ferdause, J., Momtahena, S.J., Karim, R. and Hussain, Q.M., 2024. 337 From 15 to 5, adapting ultra hypo fractionated radiotherapy in Bangladesh: A single center study. Radiotherapy and Oncology, 197, pp.S84-S85.
- Ferdause, J., Momtahena, S.J., Karim, R., Chowdhury, A.P., Hossain, N.T., Islam, M.A., Habib, M.B., Kadir, A.S. and Haque, M.A., 2024. Trastuzumab‐induced toxic epidermal necrolysis in a Her‐2‐positive metastatic breast cancer patient—A rare case report. Clinical Case Reports, 12(7), p.e9103.
- International Publications:
International Presentation:
- 2025-05: ESTRO 2025: Abstract accepted for presentation “Total neoadjuvant treatment (TNT) followed by surgery in locally advanced rectal cancer: Three years’ experience of Bangladeshi tertiary level hospital” at Vienna, Austria
- 2024-08: ESTRO Meets Asia 2024: Presentation on "Current practice pattern of postmastectomy hypo fractionated radiotherapy: A revolution in management" at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
- 2023-10: FARO-KOSRO 2023, Presentation on Comparison between Hypo fractionated Versus Conventional Fractionated Radiotherapy in Locally Advanced Non-small Cell Lung Cancer at Seoul, South Korea (with travel grant)
Ahsania Mission Cancer & general Hospital
MBBS, MD (Radiation Oncology)
Plot-03, Embankment Drive Way, Sector-10, Uttara Model Town, Dhaka-1230
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