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Test Name Test Rate Discount(%) Rate After Discount
Abdominal Colour Doppler (Urasound) 2,200 25 1650
Carotid Aeries Both Colour Doppler (Urasound) 2,100 25 1575
Diagnosis of early pregnancy 500 25 375
Dopper A-V Eistula ( For Dialysis) 2,600 25 1950
Doppler Lower Extremity Aerial Study (Urasound) 2,100 25 1575
Doppler Lower Extremity Venous Study (Urasound) 2,500 25 1875
Doppler Study of Pregnancy Profile (Urasound) 2,500 25 1875
Doppler Upper Extremity Aerial Study (Urasound) 2,100 25 1575
Doppler Upper Extremity Venous Study (Urasound) 2,100 25 1575
Duplex Study of Testis 1,600 25 1200
Pregnancy Profile of Aminiotic Fluid Volume Foetal Viability 1,200 25 900
Pregnancy Profile of Foetal Position 1,200 25 900
Pregnancy Profile of Foetal presentation 1,200 25 900
Pregnancy Profile of Placental Localization 1,200 25 900
Pregnancy Profile: Foetal presentation 1,200 25 900
Pregnancy Profile: Placental I.ocalization 1,200 25 900
Renal Doppler (Urasound) 2,100 25 1575
Sonomammography 2,500 25 1875
TVS 1,500 25 1125
Twin pregnancy profile 2,000 25 1500
Twin pregnancy with biophysical profile 2,000 25 1500
Urasonography Dopler of Pregnancy Profile 2,500 25 1875
Urasonography Dopler of Testis 1,900 25 1425
Urasonography Giuded 1,300 25 975
Urasonography Guided Fluid Aspiration(Pleural/Ascitic) 1,200 25 900
Urasonography of Biophysical Profile 1,600 25 1200
Urasonography of Both Axilla 1,200 25 900
Urasonography of Both Testes 1,500 25 1125
Urasonography of Brain 1,600 25 1200
Urasonography of Breast 4D 2,500 25 1875
Urasonography of Breast, Chest, Axilla, Supraclavicle 1,400 25 1050
Urasonography of Calf Muscle 1,200 25 900
Urasonography of Chest Wall 1,500 25 1125
Urasonography of Early Pregnancy 1,100 25 825
Urasonography of Fetal Anomaly 2,000 25 1500
Urasonography of Kidney /KUB 1,200 25 900
Urasonography of Left Axilla 1,000 25 750
Urasonography of Left Breast 1,200 25 900
Urasonography of Lower Abdomen 1,200 25 900
Urasonography of Neck Node Region 1,500 25 1125
Urasonography of Pregnancy 4D 1,550 25 1162.5
Urasonography of Pregnancy Profile 1,200 25 900
Urasonography of Pregnancy Profile of Amniotic Fluid
Valum Foetal Viability
600 25 450
Urasonography of Right Axilla 1,000 25 750
Urasonography of Scrotum 1,500 25 1125
Urasonography of Single Testis 1,500 25 1125
Urasonography of Soft Tissue 1,050 25 787.5
Urasonography of TVS 1,500 25 1125
Urasonography of Upper Abdomen 1,200 25 900
Urasonography of Uterus and Adnexae 1,050 25 787.5
Urasonography of Whole Abdomen 1,500 25 1125
Urasonography Pelvis with PVR 1,250 25 937.5
Urasonography Pregnancy Profile 1,200 25 900
Urasonography Thyroid 1,500 25 1125
Urasonography Whole Abdomen with PVR 1,500 25 1125
Urasound of Both Parotid Glands 650 25 487.5
Urasound of Left Parotid Gland 650 25 487.5
Urasound of Right Parotid Gland 650 25 487.5
USG Both Breasts with Axilla & Supraclavicle 2,000 25 1500
USG Charge for Biopsy 1,200 25 900
USG Charge for FNAC 1,000 25 750
USG Guided FNAC 3,200 25 2400
USG KUB MCC & PVR 1,500 25 1125
USG Left breast with axilla 1,200 25 900
USG Of Doplar of Ant.abdominal wall mass 1,600 25 1200
USG Of HBS 1,200 25 900
USG of Inguinal Region 1,200 25 900
USG of Inguinal Region (B/S) 1,500 25 1125
USG Re-Repo per Each 300 25 225
USG Right breast with axilla 1,200 25 900
USG Whole abdomen with pregnancy profile 2,000 25 1500